When you find yourself needing to reference a lead from a few weeks ago, your carrier voicemail is typically useless. Because Better Voice is cloud based, all of your voice mails are automatically archived for you. With Better Voice, all of your past missed calls are available to reference, which can help you reconnect with leads or retrieve the exact details of an old message.
There are no time limits or storage limits to worry about with Better Voice; your voicemails are yours to keep, forever. You never have to deal with your voice mailbox filling up and callers not being able to leave a message again.
If you use customer relationship management (CRM) software like Salesforce®, TopProducer®, or Wise Agent®, or a notetaking software like Evernote®, you can import voicemail transcripts (along with the link to the audio files) directly into your software so you will have a permanent and complete record of your relationship with that contact.